Video #2

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81 thoughts on “Video #2

  1. Cathy

    To be honest, I have been so ingrained with these diet rules over the years that I can’t even IMAGINE being free of them. It will be a HAPPY day indeed!

  2. Lisa

    I am on a plant based diet and loving it. I went on vacation this past week and went out to dinner. I ate cornbread, toast and some cheese. Oh and my dad’s pancakes. But I am back on schedule with my good eating habits. I considered it a treat.

  3. Mariah Katiana Tan

    I want to break all three rules. All my life I have stumbled upon many rules for weight loss and all of it just makes me sad. And the rule that makes me really sad is… DO NOT EAT CHOCOLATE. Chocolate is just something everyone craves and I cannot prohibit myself from not eating it. And another thing, do not eat rice and any other food with carbohydrates. I am Asian and to apply that in my diet is very impossible. And yes, I love eating. It makes me happy and satisfied. Why would I prohibit myself from doing something I love? But the ultimate rule I really wanna break which sums up all of what everybody hates, YOU MUST SACRIFICE SOMETHING IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE SOMETHING. They say that to achieve the body I want, I must sacrifice my eating. Why would I sacrifice something I’m happy to do? My dad always told me that if it makes me unhappy, why do it? This is something I really wanna change.

  4. marissa

    Hi Tracy…omgosh…where to begin. I have to embarrassingly admit that when I got divorced in 2005, it made me so very depressed that all I could do was sit in front of a TV and munch my way through hours of programs and movies. From healthy meals like salads, fruit and nuts, to cereals, then toast with butter and jam, or cream cheese…then to chips, chocolates…and the cycle continued until I could hardly breathe. Sometimes I even made pizza from toast with spaghetti sauce and a slice of cheese when I craved it, or garlic toast with Chef-boy-r-dees and sprinkle cheese over that. I went from wearing jeans to elastic waistband pants and sweats with huge shirts…hiding away from the world. I ate myself to be morbidly obese and now I am paying the price. My BMI is at 49 (yikes!), seriously needing to lose weight. Now I have a pacemaker and a CPAP machine to help me sleep at night, high blood pressure with two different kinds of pills to try to keep it under control. I am not diabetic but they have me on a sugar pill because my doctor said I am ‘pre-diabetic’ so I must be very careful. My biggest fear now is trying to break the bad habits that I endured for so long and finding Will Power! I hate the thought also of the loose skin I will have when I lose some weight since I have been so sedentary for so long. I really want to get rid of my double chin, upper arms (big wings), thunder thighs, and the fat in the breast area under my arms, that’s just to begin with. If I could be placed on a slicing machine that would be great, but I need to lose a whopping 130 lbs! I am 58 yrs old and only 5 feet tall and weigh 254 lbs. Seriously, is there any hope at all?

  5. melissa valeriano

    Oh to rid myself of the obsessive need to count calories! LOVE that! I even have a bar code scanner app on my phone that will automatically count calories of the products you are eating! I typically end up forgetting to add something here or there, get frustrated, and cheat. Then tell myself I will be perfect at it tomorrow, and the cycle continues.

  6. Pam

    Tracy. Thank you for the encouragement. i will break all 3 rules !!
    my problem area is— suddenly the area from my bust to waist has started to “sag” i am doing your ab, thigh, arm and neck exercise videos. my tummy is bulging also :(. i am 65 yr old and the rest of my body isn’t that bad. i get lots of compliments on how “thin” I am but very upset about the sagging. any suggestions or is that how it will remain. ? i have not eaten sugar in over 30 years. i do use some splenda for baking. gave up diet coke over a year ago. eat a ton of fresh veggies and fruit.
    thank you for all of your videos.

  7. Carlucci

    I’m gluten intolerant, and I’m so glad that restaurants are finally picking up on offering glutenfree items on their menu. The only diet rule I can think of is about carbs… I love country fried potatoes at breakfast. I eat food made from scratch at home. All organic, a lot grown right here on the farm. But, I recall friends going on the southbeach diet and how they stopped eating all carbs, including potatoes and I thought… GOSH, that’d be TERRIBLE…. but here I am contemplating cutting back on the potatoes at breakfast to slim down and get to that comfortable size/texture that I used to be a few years ago.

    I love to hear about your history, and feel like you understand.


  8. Kandy

    This video was motivating and liberating to me! I think my favorite rule to break will be the second one. I also think it will be the hardest for me because of my WeightWatcher background and experience. I would very much appreciate hearing your strategies and guidelines that you mentioned. Then…I need to work on my discipline.

    Thank you,

  9. Matty

    Hi Tracy,
    I really liked this Video because i also love to break this rules:)
    Im struggling for many years with just a few pounds that would make the difference to make me feel comfortable, flexible and strong in my body.
    I also try to eat healthy fresh food and to enjoy it.
    But what keeps me from thriving and chosing to eat intuitively is a kind of rebel in me.
    Seems as becoming slim to feel accepted and lovable by OTHERS is still my main motivater subconsiously. So there is this resistance to do the right thing because its not for ME.
    How can I become more clear about wanting to be beautiful for me instead of for others?
    Not easy to answer i guess:)

    Thanks a lot for the free videos!!
    You are a beautiful motivator with all your positive light feeling energy!!!

  10. Eileen

    Well Tracy, you are right — the diet rules don’t seem to work! I like to break the counting calories rule most. I have several apps and still DO NOT do it! I have started to just add more veggies every day. That has been helping. Looking forward to video #3 but I have to work out now πŸ™‚ Eileen

  11. Anica

    Ciao bella!
    Greetings from Bosnia.I must say that I really like your videos.I am 21 years old.Now I have 52 kg and 153 cm and I want to lose 3-4 kg and have strong body,especially legs and to resolve problem with cellulite because that is what I’m trying for a long time.It’s not easy because I like candies.I hope that one day I will be proud with my body.

  12. Susan Mulrey

    Hi Tracy,
    I am 61 and have always put weight on come winter time and have to try to loose it for the summer, so constantly watching my food. I like Theresa dread going out to eat and have the last 10 lbs to loose but finding it almost impossible. Also I don’t want this winter be to like the past where I dread the thought of putting the weight back on again. I have now watched all three vidoes and I think I’m in the right place to trust you. I have decided to let go and trust my body…here goes. I came across you by accident on you tube, the best accident that ever happened. I have been watching your workouts regularly for the past two weeks I have been doing two most days, and feel great. For the first time in years I feel excited for the future. I love your videos you give out so much energy and encouragement, you give me confidence and a feeling that I have achievement after every workout. I love your relaxed attitude it’s such fun too. Thank you so much for sharing on youtube, can’t wait for the next video. Love Susan

  13. Madhavi


    Your 2nd video is just amazing. The rule I really like breaking is rule number 3 where don’t need to be strict about my timings. I have always followed a strict timing and would feel awful if I missed out on my timing or got delayed. Now I can relax and not worry about it anymore. Your second rule breaking was also amazing that you need to make your own food and never go to restaurants. I have always felt like what is that why me and I am not the kind of person who likesto cook. Now it feels great to know that you can let loose. I have never really counted calories coz I feel its too much to take. Awaiting your 3rd video. Love u.

  14. Anita Dako

    Ciao Bellissima,
    I cannot wait to brake the restaurant rule! So tired of micromanaging my kitchen.

  15. Linda DeChow

    I enjoy your wisdom, and really appreciated your take on rule #3. Of course there are days when eat in the evening, and honestly really never knew the truth about that. Thanks for clarifying. Yep I know only too well that what you eat counts. I discovered that the hard way!

  16. Chris

    Hi Tracy,
    I enjoyed Video 1 so much and could tell I’d get SO much great and helpful info from Video 2…….and the rule that I associated with most? I think #1…….”a calorie is NOT a calorie”! I have been living in this dream world for so long that all I have to do is skip a REAL meal…….I can eat Italian pastry INSTEAD…….and it won’t make any difference! I’m hearing from you now that it’s completely wrong. I’ve had the pre-packaged “diet plans” endorsed by a celebrity delivered to my door……I look back at what the meals and snacks consisted of, and I cringe. It was money that could have been spent in SO many better ways. Sure……….I “lost” 8 pounds by the time the huge box of fake food was gone……..but put it all back on, and THEN some very quickly. It wasn’t a sustainable “life plan”. It was a “lose weight quickly but not sustain the weight loss” plan. I’m so anxious to go onto your Video 3. My husband and I are retiring at the end of this year after working extremely hard for many years. We are treating ourselves to our dream trip to Tuscany! I want to incorporate your helpful words to take with me so I don’t hate myself when we return. Now….on to Video 3!

  17. Elena

    Thank YOU, Tracy! I’ve been preaching about rule #1 and no one believe me. Thank goodness for you and for the “Fed Up” documentary.

  18. Lana

    You know you are the first video I’ve listened to in its entirety. Why? It’s because what you say is “real” and “sensible.” It has taken me a very long time to forgive my relationship with food based on other’s reality. I can sit down to a meal and actually taste the food in my mouth instead of taste the “words” or statements of, “that’s going to make you fat.” I cried when I asked “food” to forgive me for being so afraid to eat it. I mean even the so-called healthy food, I was still afraid to eat it. And listening to trainers, nutritionist, etc., just made it excruciating to talk about food or even sometimes looking at it. Restaurant visitations was likened to a haunted house for me but now I can’t wait to go to a new one and try out a dish I’ve never tasted before. I’ve lost over 40 lbs. and still losing. It’s not because I eat right, whatever that is, everyday, but I pay attention to my body, and I stop when it says enough. But again, you, by far are the 1st person I’ve listened to because you are saying what my thoughts are saying now. Okay, rebel nugget. I don’t eat after 7:00 p.m. If I do it is fruit or something really light. But I know that’s going to change because I’m transitioning in careers and that may not be possible. Sooooo here I go. I will NOT BE AFRAID of eating after 7:00 p.m. I will enjoy my food, every morsel, and get up in the a.m. exercising to tell my body that I care about her. Thank you Tracy! You are a gem!

  19. Diana

    I like your choice of the 3 rules…all a dieters nightmare. The one that I really relate to is the third. I never go to bed before midnight and I am not hungry in the mornings until perhaps 11.00 am.That seems to be the natural window for me 11.00 to maybe 7.00 or 8.00.Now I feel free to do so.( funny how you need someone to give you permission). I eat heavier at my first meal and light on my second meal.I am a vegan by choice ,actually I should say I am a whole food plant based advocate.My problem is that I have eaten too much good food to get all the greens,veggies,legumes into my meals.So I think portion control is necessary for me.I am going to take your advice an be more intuitive about the whole thing.That sounds like the way to be in tune.
    thanks for listening Tracy.

  20. Asma

    Hey Tracy,
    I wanted to tell you that I am very grateful to you you have given me satisfaction with just two of your videos now I’m not even kidding but it actually motivated me a lot and I can’t wait to break these rules you mentioned well apart from the rules you mentioned I’d like to break a rule that is going to a restaurant and not being able to eat because the inner voice of yours is telling you that it is very fatty and you DO NOT wanna be called a pumpkin after eating that CUZ GIRL, that looks like a dish to instantly make you fat. I would love to break this rule, kill the inner voice and eat all my favorite dishes. Thanks a lot for the motivation and I can’t wait to go and watch your third video.

  21. Sue

    Hi Tracy, I just turned 60 this month. I’m a yoyo type. I lose 30 lbs and then I put it back on. Now I need to lose 30 lbs. I started WW again for the millionith time but it is so confining to have to prepare all my food ahead of time. I also suffer from rheumatoid arthitis for the past 5 years but I am now beginning to move more freely and can exercise again. I don’t usually get home until 7 pm every night and some nights go out to dinner with friends. I always freak out when I have to eat dinner after 7 pm because it is a rule that all these diets have. Of course I get very discouraged and go off the wagon with food. I felt empowered watching to your 1st 2 videos and feel that someone understands that diet rules out there today are very difficult to follow. I’m encouraged and plan to watch your next video. Thank you, Sue

  22. Tiffany

    I found you at the right time. I am feeling very discouraged and feeling exactly the way you think I do.
    I want to love my body and I want to make a change.
    Typical diets and workout plans just don’t work for me. I need something different and new, and I hope this is it!

  23. Regina

    Hi Tracy!
    I feel I have come to the right place. I used to be slim but after giving birth to 4 (beautiful) children, my body is not what it was. I started on a low-carb diet last year and lost some weight but now I feel stuck. I’ve never wanted to do an expensive diet (seems so silly), but I feel energized an hopeful watching your videos. Looking forward to get going. Thank you so much!

  24. Ellen Campbell

    Hi Tracy!

    I love watching your workout videos, all the tips you give, and these videos you are doing. They are great!! I’ve been off/on diets for awhile and am always watching my calorie count! While I am usually pretty good anyhow with what I’m eating, I’m still losing weight but at a slower speed. I don’t eat a lot of processed food – not really a big fan, but trying to eat a lot of veggies and such. I’m a bit of a vegetarian, so do find it hard trying to fit the protein in.
    I also am going to Italy this summer with my family (1st time) and like you said am a bit worried about the food situation. I won’t limit myself, but I can tend to overeat especially if its really good!! But we’ll be doing lots of walking, so that will help.
    I also like your #3 rule. While I do tend to keep a schedule for the family eating between 5:30-6:00 as we usually have activities or something going on… there are times when I’m out with friends to show for 6:30 for dinner, and by 9:30 we are just starting to sit down, meanwhile I’m starving. I don’t really want to eat that late, I find it gets heavy in my stomach and its turning the rest of the night. What would you suggest about that? I don’t want to hurt anyones feelings either. (usually everyone brings a dish so you try everyones)
    Also, have you heard about juicing? What do you think about that? Is it good to do? Once in awhile?

    Thank you for all your advice, keep it coming.
    Love you from Canada!! πŸ™‚


    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Ellen! How wonderful that you are going to Italy! That is amazing! And yes to breaking rule 3, we all need to lighten up a little. Be sure to check out my program as it might be a perfect fit for you dear! (and just in time before Italia!) xx Tracy

  25. Alyssa

    Hello!! I’m a little late, but this video couldn’t have come at a better time for me! I love that you advocate for listening to your body and doing what is right for you. I’ve been there on the counting calories train, and to be honest, it was so stressful! I couldn’t keep it up. I actually found that by not counting calories, and eating more, I lost weight! Thank you for explaining how the calorie count in one type of food isn’t the same as the calorie count in a different kind of food. This is knowledge that I think we all have an idea of, but that we don’t necessarily realize until someone points it out or makes a reference to it. It totally makes sense!

    I have to be honest, I’ve been so busy these past few days, that I haven’t consciously paid attention to my thoughts about food or to what I was really eating or putting into my body. As a result, I was not feeling well today. I started making the effort earlier today and got outside in the beautiful sunshine and I changed some of my choices. It’s always a good time to reflect and realign focus – which is exactly what I’m doing right now. πŸ™‚ This video was perfect and I cannot thank you enough for this video series! I’m off to watch the last video!!

  26. monique

    eating after 6pm is really funny to me. they make it seem like once it is 6pm thats it, no more food till the next day. for me personally i get hungry at during the night but im not going to eat a full plate of food. i might take a slice of cheese with a slice of turkey and roll it up and im full. i rather eat that then eat something heavy and next thing i fall asleep.

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Monique! I agree and for me (and many of my clients) I tend to work until 7pm and often like having time to settle down or don’t meet my husband until 8pm…I’m with you! I hope you enjoy all of the videos and I look forward to your thoughts on video #3.

  27. Camden Smith

    Loved this video. I easy no processed good at all except my plantfusion protein shake for nutrients. I need top add another cup of vegetables but my diet all in all is according to my nutritionist perfect except she wants me to add more complex carbs whi choose I have refused to do becausr I am diabetic. Even chicken raises my blood sugar and the more insulin I take the easier I gain weight and thenmorenhugh low swings Inhave. I DO BEST WITH MEATS AND VEGGIES amd if I have regular carbs sweet potato on iccassion ornfluren free toast. Gluten super messes me up…i fet bloated and gain inmediately. I actually got allergy treatments for it and my acupuncturist (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique Practitioner) got rid of mist of my allergies but still.when I eat it my stomach says no Thank you With me running tonthe bathroom. Now if I have a little in sauces etc no problem but it is bread that kills me which I dont like anyway…someone asked about the gluten free craze and I know you’ll say you have to eat what is right for your Body so I shared my story.

    I eat yogurt one a day, bell peppers, green beans, kale, chicken , salmon, plantfusion shakes, sometimes dark chocolate but rarely, half and half in my 1 c. Of coffee, green and herbal teas, lots of water and sometimes GF toast oh and applegate farms GF chicken sausage. Diet is simple but not starving.

    I do not count calories. I eat when hungry or when my sugar is low and I have no choice.

    I have to time my exercise with my higher sugar times post breakfast usually but this changes daily so my life is super structured around what to eat, when to eat, when to exercise and doesnt leave a lot of who cares about it time….but it doesnt have to consume me and sometimes it does.


  28. Hannah

    I am dying to know your thoughts on the Gluten Free craze. I have gone gluten free before and lost a few pounds but it just wasn’t sustainable for me. If I am out to a restaurant I want to have a piece of the bread or maybe a small portion of pasta. Also I feel like many gluten free options spike my blood sugar levels the same as wheat (excluding brown rice pasta varieties, which I try to opt for when at home). I am wondering is going gluten free a cure all solution or are many people jumping on a bandwagon? Just a note – I do recognize that there are those with serious gluten allergies and I have complete respect for that. I am wondering about people like myself without major sensitivities to wheat products?

  29. Charla Morgan

    Oh yea loved those three you chose Tracy… how clothes fit is the best way to monitor weight gain/loss~I agree!!! And yea that honest look at yourself in the mirror, although I tend not to do that until I’m feeling pretty good about myself (chicken). I find that the only way I lose real fat (belly especially) is when I cut sugar (with the exception of a raw honey on occasion), and stick to lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, a limited amount of fruit, and nuts/seeds, and no grains (incl bread, of course, but even rolled oats and other cereals)… I love cammomile tea, HOT, but I get what you’ve said in other videos about the importance of plain water too… So my fave diet rule to break is the NO ALCOHOL rule!!! When my husband and I are together on the weekend and he cracks open his gluten free beer (yea, he’s pretty good most of the time…) I treat myself to a glass or even two of my favorite red wine… I find that if I limit wine intake to the weekend, and watch the amount, that cheat is perfectly fine and boy does it add to the enjoyment of great weekend meals!!!! The only downside, I have to admit, is that sometimes even wine makes me crave sugar, which is my kryptonite!!! I guess it’s the wine = sugar thing, but to me it’s worth the splurge!!!! Looking forward to Vid #3… πŸ™‚

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Charla! heheh! I love vino too but you are on to something with the sugar and cravings connection for sure! However, I do maintain my weight with ease…and vino! I’d love to know your thoughts on video #3! xx Tracy

  30. Stacie Lloyd

    #2 for sure! I feel like if I’m not on a diet plan then I gain weight so I’m constantly eating a pre-packaged diet program. What I would be interested in is how to eat without worrying about it. For instance when you were in Italy did you eat pasta? You hear so much about refined carbs, etc. that they aren’t healthy. Does your body recognize things like regular pasta as processed or is it easily used by the body?
    Thanks Tracy, really enjoying these videos

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Stacie! Oh heck YES I ate pasta! and pizza and all of it. and lots of veggies too! I hope you love the series and I look forward to your thoughts on video #3. xx Tracy

  31. Kat


    I enjoy you, the you tube videos & this new lil tidbits of life moving stragedy motivation. ❀️
    I eat so clean. Healthy, real food. Yet, today, my body is not where I want it to be. It was… Then.. Somewhere it’s now “not”
    I workout. I listen to my body
    Yes… I think it’s life stresses that are the catalyst here.
    I have fibromyalgia, so all my days can be different. I have always been an athlete, a dancer, LOve working out.
    I know the body I want is in there… Cuz I was there! Now how to get back… Is the question.
    Thanks for your sweet personality, workouts & juicy info.

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Kat! So thrilled you are here and I hope that you watch video #1 and use the free gift that I sent you. πŸ™‚ Stay tuned for more support to come in video 3 also! lots of love, Tracy

    2. Tracy Campoli

      HI Kat! You are so welcome and I am glad you enjoyed the video. Your best body is for sure in there and I hope that you use the content and free gifts in videos 1 and 3:) Stay close and looking forward to your insights on video #3. xx Tracy

  32. Deanne

    So simple, yet so true. Loved this, as I did your other video, Tracy. Thank you for the sense and sensibility! I think its so true that when we stop obsessively monitoring every little thing, whatever it was that we were trying to achieve falls into place naturally because we are relaxed and being sensible about it. Thank you and cheers from Australia πŸ™‚

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Deanne! I am so glad you enjoyed the video and that the content resonated with you. I have a *feeling* you are going to LOVE video #3 too (and the gift as well!) Lots of love, Tracy ps: Australia is soooo on my list of places to go!!!

  33. Michaela

    Hi Tracy, thank you! Finally somebody is saying what I’ve felt for years:-) I never felt like these rules should be followed and when someone was obsessing about that I just felt like the joy of life is leaving their body, especially the rule about not eating in the evening, that’s a total party pooper. I am most productive in the afternoon and evening and can’t even imagine to have no food after certain hour. Also, I love to eat with my husband, it’s like the highlight of my day and he might come home from work around five or six, so depriving myself of food in the evening would make me truly miserable. Thank you, Tracy, this was a great video! Michaela

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Michaela! I so agree with you! Eating and spending time with my husband is such an important part of my day. I am so glad that you found the video helpful and I look forward to your comments for video 3. xx Tracy

  34. laura

    Loving the videos, Tracy! Your ease and relaxed attitude are so inspiring. I’d love to know what a typical day looked like before your life changing trip to Italy, and then what it looks like today. My problem is moderation. I’m an all or nothing girl. I don’t just want treats once in a while, I want them every day! How do you indulge sensibly? Thanks for all the love and support!

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Laura! All or nothing is no bueno! I love a good shade of GREY! I hope you love video #3 and I look forward to your thoughts! xxTracy

  35. Darleen

    Hi Tracy,
    Thank you for the informative videos. The one I want to break is counting calories, but to me that’s scary.. What if that dont work for me and I gain. I will be bummed because its difficult to take the weight off and so easy putting it on. I dont know if I could do that so I am most excited about eating after 6. i feel really feel guilty.eating after 6 but I will try it.

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Darleen! You are so welcome! Break the ones that feel like such a relief to you. Allow the fear to release, and so I suggest you watch video 1 and use the free gift to help you get started and create a strong foundation. Lots of love, Tracy

    2. Tracy Campoli

      HI Darleen, I hope you watched video #1, because that may help you with some of the fear you are speaking of here. Remember to only break the rules that make you feel relieved to break:) xx Tracy

  36. Emily

    Hi Tracy. πŸ™‚
    I loved the video! My favourite rule to break is the calorie one. You explained that so well.
    I have a severely compressed bulging disc that may require surgery. Pain every day for 3 yrs. What kind of exercise would you recommend specifically for a muffin top? I gained at least 15 lbs. since injuring my back. Skinny everywhere else then this blimp. I look pregnant!
    Thank you!

  37. Angelina

    I would love to stop counting calories. I am so afraid though of trusting my judgement & my body. I have never done that & am afraid of over eating.

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Angelina, Try to let your desire to be free be stronger than your fear. If you need more assistance, watch video 1 again. lots of love! Tracy

    2. Tracy Campoli

      HI Angelina, I think if you gave it time, you might find that your body is so smart and that when you trust it and truly listen that you won’t need to count. Try not to feel fear and only break it if you truly feel called to break it. I hope you enjoy video 3! xx Tracy

  38. Yvette

    ONE & THREE!!!! I count because I know if I go by intuition then I eat far too low & constant dieting has led my metabolism to slow waay down! I count to make sure im having enough…but your same italian experience is MY same italian experience. I lose EVERY TIME in Italy but Im so incredibly fearful to just “let go”…..I want this peace but dont trust myself….and bc i work late hours i have given myself an “eating window” of 11-8…worth it??? I dunno…i sooo want to break this! You have no idea…well you do, youve helped me immensely but…

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Ciao Yvette! How did I just know that #2 was going to resonate with you?! πŸ˜‰ In serio: the more you trust, the easier it will be. and what you say is what will be! I know you know this, but I think the more you practice the tools the stronger you will be. Less Taz, more Jessica. stay connected and close! baci! T

  39. Theresa

    Tracy, your exercise videos are so fun and refreshing. Thank you so much for bringing them to us. I really like them. I lost 20 pounds with Weight Watchers but over the last year I stopped losing although I am still 7 to 10 pounds away from my goal. I look good in blousy tops but am still not comfortable in skin tight tops. I don’t count calories but do count points so maybe that is just as difficult. My husband is always wanting to go out to eat and it stresses me out to no end. It makes me think I will never lose that last 7 to 10 pounds. Your rule breaking sounds very enticing but a little frightening.


    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Theresa! Thank you for your honesty and insight. The stress is an indicator from your body. When we can learn to relax and enjoy our food, our bodies will respond. You are in the right place my dear! And if you haven’t watched it yet, be sure to watch video #1 to create a foundation for success and to help you with these beliefs. xx Tracy

  40. Lana

    Hi Tracey,
    Thanks for these two wonderful videos! The rules that I would love to break the most are counting calories as well as regimented diets. I stopped counting calories at one point when I joined WW; however, with WW I learned how to eat healthy and we did have to count points which included weighing and measuring food, but I did lose over 30 pounds. As soon as I stopped counting points and eating (not so healthy) the weight started to come back on. I gained back 1/2 my weight and am now struggling to get it off again. I find it very hard to lose weight even eating healthy and counting points now. I would like to break these rules, but if I do, I know that I will gain more weight! Help!

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Lana! Well it sounds to me that this series is exactly what you need right now. If you haven’t yet, be sure to watch video #1, that will get you started for sure. AND use the free gift provided, it is a very important foundational step towards LONG lasting weight loss. Sending lots of love! xx Tracy

  41. Marion

    Love this video! It’s a great approach to trust yourself and learn again step by step to listen to your body and eat and react more intuitively. It takes time to get this to the point but I also believe in the “mind over body” when you think it makes you fat it will make you fat. Sometimes I don’t even know how many calories I’ve eaten in the day and then I know for sure I won’t gain any weight because my body doesn’t know either.
    It’s really sad when people freak out because they put too much peanut butter on their oatmeal or ate on piece of fruit that wasn’t on the “plan”. It’s sad because it deprives us of life and of our own freedom.
    We should choose whatever feels good for us, for our body and what’s good for our soul. There’s always a way to find a balance between nutritious and delicious.
    Thanks, Tracy!!!!!

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Marion! I’m so glad you liked this video and that it resonated with you. While I, of course, know that there are structures and strategies that can help, I really freaking HATE these rules! You are in the right place and I love your words, finding the balance between nutritious and delicious:) I love food that is BOTH, and oh yes it is 100% possible. I look forward to your comments from video #3. xx

  42. Bonnie

    I absolutely hate counting calories (or carbs). I hate being told what I can and can’t eat. I am trying to incorporate more whole foods into my eating plan, but being on a tight budget doesn’t always allow me to. This summer I intend to grow a lot of my own vegetables so I know they will be organic and pesticide free… not to mention practically free. πŸ™‚ My husband is on coumadin, so his range of vegetables he’s able to eat is limited. I’m trying to find a solution to this problem other than making two different vegetable dishes per meal.

  43. Dr.seema G Gujjar

    Tracy thanks for sending video.iam eating aless caloried food .i skip rice because rice having more carbs.iam veg i use to eat more salads,
    please suggest me what to eat and what to skip.

  44. Kyla

    Counting Calories!!!!! This one always leaves me panicked and makes me not want to go anywhere but home to eat. Plus worst of all if I would have to eat out I would get the mind frame of, “Well I can’t tell how many calories, this day is shot” . I think for my sanity and body I am going to try and break this habit. Plus after having done WW It was a real eye opener to have something like a packaged brownie or eating an apple and peanut butter as being the same points, when clearly one is much better for your life(plus fills you up more).

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Kyla! Yup! I was 10000000% obsesseed for YEARS with the calorie counting, but it just lead me to feeling like crap-o-la! This seems like one you should definitely be a REBEL and break! Use the tools from video 1 to assist you. And I look forward to your thoughts on Video #3. Lots of love, xx Tracy

  45. Kelly M. McDaniels

    Thanks Tracy, I really enjoyed the last two videos and wanted to let you know that I “HATE” counting calories. I’ve lost 45# since changing my eating and adding exercise to my life and it has all been done without counting calories.

    1. Stacy Hoover

      You hit the nail on the head. Low fat everything for me and watching calories. But I’m a meal skipper. I can easily go all day without and do! I’m actually worried because my hubby of 35 yrs is making giant corned beef sandwichs in honor of St. Party’s day. I haven’t eaten meat or bread forever. I’m stressed because he hates it when I don’t eat with him. So I will but my stomach will most likely react poorly!
      Looking forward to your next video because I am that person who needs to loose that last 10 lbs. but I don’t really have a relationship food. Don’t like fruit or veggies but I am trying to eat those things when I do eat. Have given up my yorgut and oatmeal for eggs in the am. I don’t know if I’m doing things right but I am loosing and toning thanks to your videos
      Thank you,
      Stacy Hoover!

      1. Tracy Campoli

        HI Stacy, Happy St. Patty’s day! It seems like these videos are made for you:) It seems like now is for sure your time to create that relationship with your self and your body. Keep up the great work and I just know you are going to love video #3! xx Tracy

    2. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Kelly! I’m so glad you have enjoyed both videos and congrats to you!!! I hope you are feeling amazing! Next video will be great to help you KEEP that motivation going;) xx Tracy

  46. Claire

    Another great eye-opening video, Tracy!
    I’m a full-time student at University and work part-time in a shop. The unfixed hours were sometimes a bit of a problem when it came to eating balanced food because it was difficult to get ready-prepared food from home since I was afraid it’d go bad by break time (which was usually late afternoon), and ended up eating junk food food shops nearby and even eating well past 10pm (which was when my shift was up).
    I’m not a big health freak. In fact, I barely eat any fruits and vegetables as it is… I used to when I was young but somehow when I grew up I stopped altogether. I’ve been struggling with re-trying vegetables for the past three years and I still can’t stand the taste of raw, except for when it’s mixed with a little dressing (very, very little dressing) and chicken. (The fruit thing has since improved).
    Is there any way I can start incorporating vegetables more often? My parents are not being supportive at all, except for my mum who has been decreasing my plate portions and started shopping for equipment and sport clothes with me.
    And once again, great videos!

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Claire! I’m so happy you enjoyed this video also! It sounds to me like this is the PERFECT time for you to begin to create some healthy lifestyle choices that will support you even more. Making your health a priority is so important and I know that you can do it! I think you will love video #3, it’s practically made for you! xx Tracy

  47. Jayashree

    I am just over excited Tracy to know I am doing just what you asked us to do by asking to break three rules. Eat fresh food cooked by myself and to eat when I am hungry and that can be at 9 pm as well. I just can’t believe that any one can say this to her clients who seek to lose weight. You are a darling Tracy hope to do well in my endeavor to loss weight with your guidance. Incidentally I am vegetarian and do recommend vegetables and protein that are available in vegetarian food.

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Jayashree! Doesn’t it feel good to be a REBEL! And believe it! You can 100% lose weight AND not follow these rules, I see it all the time with my clients. I’m so glad you enjoyed the video and I look forward to your comments in video #3! xx Tracy

  48. Tricia

    To be honest I love your rules, but they kind of scare me. Just recently my doctor told me that I needed to count my calories to lose the weight that I wanted to lose. She told me to have between 1, 000-1200 calories a day and she gave me adipex to control my appetite. Well I did lose some weight, but I also lost alot of my hair and a side affect of candida and thrush. I was and am weary of doing wrong. Since then I have gained back 5 pounds and still want to at least 25. I’m a 40 soon to 41, I am 5’2″ and between 145- 150 pounds. Sometimes I justice don’t right from wrong or up from down. Working out isn’t a problem I love to workout, it’s eating. Please help! I’m discouraged.

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Tricia! You are in the right place! And just to be clear, these aren’t “my rules” but rather the rules I love to BREAK!! Your body gave you some very strong messages with what you described as the reaction to the drug you were given. Support is available to you, be sure to watch and re-watch video #1 to get you started and start creating that relationship with your body and your food, as described here. Lots of love and I look forward to your comments in video #3. xx Tracy

  49. Sally

    Wow! The calorie counting rule is going to be the hardest for me to let go of. I go to work at 4:30 am and take a lunch and 2 snacks that I know have enough calories so I won’t eat junkfood while I’m working. Just before I watched this video I realized that I don’t have 1/2 an avacado to put on my tuna wrap tomorrow, and I was in a panic to figure out what to substitute. I seriously eat the exact same lunch every day that I work so I know my calories are under control. I’m not that regimented at home. Most of the snack foods here are good nutritious whole foods, but I can’t remember a day at work when there wasn’t a plate of cookies, a box of donuts, and various sugary drinks available all day long. The first week at this job I gained 5 lbs. It came right off as soon as I started bringing a lunch. I live out in the country and the closest store that would sell an avacado is 20 miles away. Good timing on this video! I might need to get creative!

    1. Tracy Campoli

      Hi Sally! This really does sound like perfect timing for you! I applaud you for preparing and caring for yourself at work, crucial! If you haven’t already, start with video #1 to get you started, that will surely help. I look forward to your thoughts on video #3. xxTracy

  50. Zainab

    Hi tracy , this is my story
    I am 26 years old , married, no kids.
    All my life i was thin but i always wanted to workouts to have strong sexy body. When i get married 6 years ago I suffered from stomech pain and i get Constipation which led to annal fissure.
    . That was very painful which make me lay down all day not be able to move . Imagine what happened , of course i gained weight. I come from a community that dont eat healthy we eat rice alot , cook with butter , cream …etc . I decided to be healthy i began to drink greensmoothy i felt amazing, it really really help me with Constipation besides drinking water which i used to not liking the taste of water but now i love it . Now i cook healthy ,cut the sugar, juices, white flour, junk food. Eat more veggies. Take healthy choices. But i am in this journey alone , all my family still like to eat the bad food and i love sweets and chocolate alot when i see them all around me i feel weak and i want to eat it with them lol but i try my best . I changed my life and iam trying to be healthy and strong but i feel alone in this journey. My husband likes healthy food but still love bad food ( by the way he is thin no matter what he eat if he skipped a meal he will loose 1 kg with no effort). Now i am 47.4 kg , 155 cm
    My goal is to reach 44 kg , to have flat abs , strong body and more flexible.
    Tracy you were very helpful to me and i learned alot from you thank you .

    1. Tracy Campoli

      HI Zainab! I’m so glad this was helpful for you and it sounds like you have come a long way on your body journey already. AND it also sounds like you could use more support around you. Stay close and watch and re-watch video #1 and use the free gift to create that strong mental foundation. Lots of love, Tracy


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