I have a question for you, how much water have you drank today?
Are you feeling thirsty?
Do you know that just being 1% dehydrated you are thirsty, and that is your body telling you, “HEY! Drink up buttercup!” However, at just 2% dehydrated your body can have symptoms such as anxiety and as much as 20% reduction in the capacity to work!
Yikes! So yes, you are one smart cookie, you know to drink water. But sometimes the idea of drinking water is just such a snooze fest, ugh! So to help your hot little self stay hydrated, gorgeous and healthy here are 4 of my favorite skinny drinks.
1. CHIA ENERGY WATER – Chia seeds are amazing little seeds that have incredible health benefits and are considered a super food. I take my chia gel, and add lemon and drink away. Chia seeds hydrate and contribute to you feeling full, so they help keep you gorgeous and skinny;) Here is the recipe for CHIA ENERGY WATER: http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Lose-Weight-Using-Chia-Seeds&id=5768187
2. Green Tea – Green Tea has a ton of amazing health benefits such as: promoting weight loss, boosting your immune system, lowering your risk of cancer and stabilizing cholesterol levels. And it tastes good! So get GOOD green tea! Those sugary bottled iced green teas don’t count…just sayin!
3. Coconut Water – I LOVE fresh coconut water at the beach, in a bikini with the sun shining 🙂 But if you don’t happen to have a hottie in a speedo with a machete cutting you a coconut, the packaged coconut waters are fantastique! My fave is either Zico or Vita Coco. Coconut water tastes delish, and is incredibly hydrating, full of electrolytes and can assist in digestion and weight loss. Delicious and beneficial, yum!
4. Emergen-C – Emergen-c are little packets of vitamin C powder that can just be thrown in your purse or gym bag. They create a fizzy little cocktail that is loaded with vitamin c, which has been shown to strengthen the immune system and promote joint health. And, quite frankly, just tastes good. A perfect solution when you are thirsty but just don’t want plain water.
These are a few of my favorite go-to alternatives to plain water. Do you have a favorite skinny drink? Email me at tracy@tracycampoli.com.