The Three Step System PROVEN to create
Diet-Free Weight Loss

(and no girl…I promise you won’t starve, suffer or waste time
tracking calories, macros or points!)

Have you felt like you’ve tried it all to lose those stubborn pounds…and NOTHING seems to work?

You’ve cut back on your calories, you’re practically starving, and you’re  HANGRY all the time.

It’s left you feeling frustrated, angry, and wondering why you can’t figure this out.

You used to LOVE clothes, but now you choose your clothes based on what hides you the most. (I guess I’ll wear black…again! It’s slimming, right?)

And the thought of booking that beach vacation with your boo or the girls…oh hellllll no!  You’d rather book a one way ticket to Alaska…in January.

Or you’ve been working out consistently but you still have this frustrating layer of “flub” over muscles that you just know MUST be in there somewhere.

At this point you’re ready to give up because, between us… this sucks.

Why do some women seem to have it so easy?  

Are they just “genetically blessed”?

Or is the truth that once you reach a certain age (after 30!) or stage in your life (hello motherhood!)  you have to just accept the bleak fact that:

This is as good as it gets

   You should just accept your waist getting wider
Your energy will continue to drop lower
   You’ll never lose those annoying stubborn pounds
   And bikini’s or your fave skinny jeans are a thing of the past?


Here’s the truth girlfriend

(lean in because you’ll want to hear this)

It doesn’t have to be this way…

I’m Tracy Campoli!

I’m a lifestyle and wellness coach that has helped women
all over the globe lose weight and get fit.

I’m a wife. I’m a mother to a baby girl. I’m an entrepreneur.

I’m a busy babe… just like YOU!

And It’s My Mission To Help Women Lose Weight Without
any Dumbs Diets and By Loving Their Bodies.

But let me take you back down
memory lane.

I started my first diet at 11 years old.

I was training in ballet and spent hours every day in front of a mirror with just a black leotard and pink tights…all day, every day.

I spent hours staring at myself in the mirror wondering WHY my legs were so much bigger than all the other girls.

I felt FAT.

As a fashion lover, my fave model was Kate Moss and I would do anything to make myself skinny and I desperately wanted those tiny little thighs she had.

So I started dieting.

I counted calories, I started measuring my food, I would obsessively try any “drop lbs FAST” plan in any magazine, I read every diet book I could get my hands on and if there was a 7 day food plan…you know I tried it.

I would even create my own crazy weight loss schemes.  Eating only 2-3 of the same things every day and consuming less than 800 calories a day.

And you know what?

I lost weight!

And I felt happy…. for a minute.

And then I’d sneak a piece of chocolate… because I deserved it, right?

And why stop there?

So then I’d buy a bunch of candy bars, peanut butter cups and the next thing I knew I’d find myself surrounded by candy wrappers.

I had a stomach ache, digestive issues, anxiety and was full of shame.

Because I was stuck.

Stuck feeling like a failure.
Stuck feeling like a total loser.
Stuck in this sad cycle.  

And I hated myself for it.

So I would promise myself, I’ll start over again…tomorrow.

Or Monday.

I can’t even tell you how many Monday’s I had.

At my lowest moment, I found myself hiding in my closet, writing “I hate you” all over my body with a marker.

It was bleak.

This cycle of dieting and failing went on for 18 years.


18 years of feeling like a failure.  18 years of struggle and 18 years of tears, anxiety, stress and self loathing.

Finally a trip to Italy changed my life.

At 29, I was invited to go on a two week vacation to Italy and I thought I would gain weight (as ususal) and decided I’d just go on a crazy crash diet when I returned stateside.  As per usual.

Here’s where it gets really weird…

I didn’t gain weight.

Like not even one pound.

In fact my tightest “goal pants” that I’d usually starve myself to fit into, slipped on with ease after two weeks of eating in the Motherland.

I knew I discovered something.

It became my mission to figure this magical mystery out.

How was I losing weight when I wasn’t doing ANY of the methods that I used to do to lose weight?

Was I counting calories?  NOPE!
Was I spending hours a day working out?  Nuh-Uh
Was I writing down everything I ate and hating myself for indulging?  Hell to the No.

When I returned to NYC, I decided I had to figure this mystery out.

So I did personal experiments on myself. I studied nutrition intensively, and dove into self development and education.

I became a certified life coach, certified holistic health coach and LOVED all that I was learning and discovering.

I was FINALLY free from dieting!!!

I knew it was my obligation to share these discoveries that I learned with other women to help them too.

Women like me that were fed up, frustrated and were done with dieting with a capital D.

I started teaching my methods to my busy babes I was teaching Pilates to in NYC.

★  The moms that wanted their pre-baby bodies back.

★  The corporate boss babes that had to figure out how to travel all week and eat “conference food” AND fit into their fave skinny jeans on the weekends.

★  The world travelers that didn’t want to give up eating in restaurants.

★  The post menopausal ladies that wanted to find their waists again.

★  The foodies and fashionistas that wanted to be friends with food AND fit into their fave clothes.

And guess what…it worked just as well for them as it did for me!

And now it’s worked for hundreds of women all over the globe.

So if you think you have to struggle or starve to lose those extra lbs… let’s drop that thought (like right now, mkay?!)

“I’ve dieted my entire adult life… I’ve done it all. I lost 26lbs and 6 inches off my waist and, for the first time ever, I LOVE having photos taken!” – Jackie Blake

“I joined HBE because I wanted to feel and look slimmer, be healthier and learn how to move away from dieting and learn how to eat healthy for the long term. I do not weigh myself, however I was so happy that I went from a size 12 to a size 8, and even better… I’ve maintained my results for over two years.

This program is NO gimmicks, no diet and no tortuous 2 hour long workouts (yeah!) It’s all flexible, easily adaptable and fun!”

– Maimouna T.



The Simple Proven System for Creating a HOT Body…for life!


Get your Body into BALANCE in just 5 short days.

No juicing, no fasting, no macro counting and no confusing tracking apps.

You’ll eat real food (ya know that you can actually get at the grocery store!) and follow the step by step system to create a flatter belly, diet-free weight loss, get your glowy skin back and start sleeping like a baby again.

This is one of my most powerful secret weapons and the only place to get it is inside of Your Hottest Body Ever.


Weight loss made SIMPLE

You’ll follow the flexible meal plan recipes and guides to create easy weight loss.

Busy babe and traveling?  Yup you can do this!

Foodie that loves eating in restaurants?  Oh yes girl, this is for you too!

Mom with picky kids?  No worries chica! The whole family will benefit from these easy and delicious recipes, guides and menus.



Wait, what?  Did you say life?

Yes, for LIFE!

Now that you’ve lost the extra pounds, learn how to easily keep it off forever.

No one else teaches this concept.

In Your Hottest Body Ever you’ll learn the simple way to trick everyone into believing that you are “genetically blessed.”

Your Hottest Body Ever is Unlike Any Other Plan
You’ll start to see results in just a few short days

You’ll make simple changes that actually work for your life and lifestyle (no matter how busy you are!)

You’ll never have to look for another quick fix plan that gives frustrating temporary results

There is ZERO calorie counting, macro tracking, complicated apps or weird food. In other words you don’t have to be a mathematician or eat twigs to see results!
You’ll have a method that creates a roadmap for wellness that will free you from even THINKING about another dumb diet again
You’ll have the confidence you’ve always wanted and will LOVE your body (yeah I said it…you’ll LOVE your body!)
And, so we are clear, here is what you can expect in just a few short weeks

Your belly will get flatter and that waist you thought you lost forever… oh THERE it is again!

Your skin will start glowing and people will start wondering if you’ve had “work” done.
Your fave clothes will start slipping on with ease and you’ll have a permanent grin when you see yourself in the mirror.

You’ll have energy again to chase after the kids and those mid day slumps… will be a thing of the past!

And those cravings that used to make you run to the cookie jar??? GONE!

“As a 43 year old Mom of two, just getting out of the house can be a challenge.

With Your Hottest Body Ever I’ve lost 52lbs in just 4 months, and have gone from a size 10 to a size 4!

I started after my second child was about 9 months old, and I was amazed at how quickly and easily I was able to lose weight that I had gained before my second child.

The ease of the program being at my fingertips made this a lifesaver and I could do Your Hottest Body Ever and succeed…without even having to leave my house.  This plan has changed my life!

– Tara Overton

“I don’t do diets, and that’s why HBE works! I’m more confident than ever! It’s fits seamlessly into my busy life… HBE is priceless!”
– Brooke Nicole

“As a 59 year old teacher, Mom and Grandma, I do for everybody else…and Your Hottest Body Ever was just for ME!

I’ve lost 11lbs and four inches of my waist!

The biggest benefits for me are my skin, everyone keeps telling me I’m glowing and I have more energy to chase after my grandkids and have energy for my students.”

– Karen Levosky

“I’ve lost 20lbs in three months, I’m having FUN in my clothes and am wearing a bathing suit WITHOUT a coverup!” – Emily Gift

I’m losing weight without even trying! My bloat is gone, and I feel great! I’ve gone from a size 18 to a size 10. The best part...I’m loving myself and I feel amazing!” – Coral 

“I turned 60 years old and I gained weight all around my waist.  I was frustrated and I couldn’t wear my favorite clothes.

It affected everything.

I started Your Hottest Body Ever and I lost 12lbs and I’ve kept it off!

I saw results very quickly and as a professional that travels a lot and works long hours…this was a God send!

I didn’t have to think about anything, I just followed the steps and tailored it to work for my life.

I have my abs again!

I recommend Your Hottest Body Ever to any woman

– Lisa Marie Pagano

“I went down 3 belt loops and lost 11lbs.” – Anna Harris
All three stages of my signature nutrition program. It’s simple and easy to follow and weight loss happens with ease.  (for reals!)  These three simple steps are the roadmap to diet-free weight loss and resetting your body into the fat burning machine you were meant to be.

All of the tools that you need to create Your Hottest Body Ever.  You’ll get my Hot Body Recipes, Guides, Video Trainings, Shopping Lists and more. It’s kind of like having me in your pocket guiding you every step of the way.

World class Guidance and support.  This isn’t a program that leaves you hanging wondering what to do (ugh! I hate that!). Look, losing weight is a personal journey and if every “seven day meal plan” that dumb diets give you  worked…well, you wouldn’t be reading this page. 

I’ve been in the weight loss and fitness game for over 20 years.  I have been in your shoes and my team and I will make sure you’ll always feel supported by the amazing Hotties community.

The Hot Body Success System.  This is the inner work y’all that NO ONE ever talks about.  This is the KEY to stop self sabotage, and stopping and starting. Without these powerful mindset shifts weight loss success is fleeting at best.  This is the *magic* formula that creates weight loss from the inside out.
Lifetime access to Your Hottest Body Ever. Yeah girl!  I’m not going anywhere so once you become a Hot Body Hottie, you’ll get access to these life (and body!) changing tools forever!


BONUS #1: $497 Gift Certificate for use at towards private or group coaching programs.


BONUS #2: LIVE Q&A Calls just for the HBE community (Value $1997)

I love supporting my Hot Body Hotties through this process and interacting with you LIVE. We’ll have fun, I’ll answer all of your burning Q’s and we can celebrate your success together.


BONUS #3: Flat Belly Formula (Value $497)

I’ll show you exactly what to eat to get a flat belly in just 5 days!

BONUS #4: Members Only HOTTIES Group (Value $1997… PRICELESS)

One of my superpowers is attracting the BEST women ever into my community (like YOU!) My community groups are GOLD! This is an opportunity for you to get on the inside and have the most amazing and supportive community during your journey to your Hottest Body Ever.

Let’s get serious for a second…

I bet if you’re like me, you’ve tried pretty much everything.

You spent hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars on programs that just haven’t worked.

And so you’re probably wondering how this will work for you.  What makes it different?

I created this program way back in 2012. I’ve now had hundreds of ladies successfully complete Your Hottest Body Ever.  

In other words…this ain’t my first rodeo.

I guarantee when you use the tools and follow the simple steps…you’ll see results!

“I lost over 50lbs and have gone from a size 22 to 14! I’m no longer considered pre-diabetic. I’m ecstatic!” – Heather

“The jeans I wore in my 30’s now fit… 24 years later!” – Kathy Chesley




★ You are a super busy babe with literally NO time.  

Girl, I get it.  I designed this program when I lived in NYC and my clients were super busy Wall St. babes working 12-16 hours a day.  I promise you this was designed for you and your REAL life. You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen every day, in fact… you don’t have to cook at all if you don’t like to.  I keep it super simple and excuse proof.

★ You are a picky eater. Or have food intolerances.

The beauty of Your Hottest Body Ever is that it is designed to be FLEXIBLE and to work with your tastes and needs.  If you hate the food, you won’t eat it, and then you wouldn’t see results. The food guides, recipes and trainings all leave room for YOU to tweak and tailor it so that it is your perfect fit.  I’m Italian! It has to taste good or you just won’t eat it! (me either!) Have no fear, we design the program to work WITH you.

★ You have a house full of kids and don’t want to prepare two dinners a night.

We’ve had LOADS of Hot Mommas in this program…ahem me too!  The beauty is, that you can *sneakily* teach your kids healthy habits without them having a clue.  And all the recipes are very kid friendly! From Hot Body Pancakes to Hot Body Chocolate (chocolate? Yes chocolate!!) They’ll love it too!

★ You’re long past menopause and have struggled for years.

Let me direct your attention above to Lisa Marie and Karen. They are no unicorns.  I know that the dieting “gurus” want us to believe that once you reach a certain age… the party is over.  And NO, that is not true. You can create YOUR Hottest Body Ever no matter what age or stage in life you are.

★ Weight loss isn’t really my goal…I just want to be toned.

Here’s the deal with toning… even if you’re working out everyday… if you aren’t seeing results it is what you are eating.  This is the hard truth. What you eat accounts for 90% of your toning. It isn’t about weight loss as much as it is about SEEING the fruits of your efforts, so that you have that lean dancer like look.  Your Hottest Body Ever is the step-by-step plan that will have you feeling your tightest, most toned and HOTTEST version of you.

“I lost my “baby weight” I’d had for over ten years… in just a few weeks! Even my skinny jeans are too big :)” – Laura

“I lost 4 inches off my stomach and surpassed my goal…in ONE month!” – Natasha Siddal
“I lost 6lbs in one week and was able to fit into my fitted wedding dress and felt like a million bucks!” – Shanda Sumpter


In just a few short weeks, you could be here  (doesn’t it feel sooooo good to stop the dumb dieting madness?!)

I can’t wait to celebrate your success next!


Let’s have a REAL girl talk babe…


The real risk isn’t getting excited and wasting your money.

The biggest risk is you doing nothing.

And staying stuck.
And frustrated.
And left in the diet/failure cycle.

And I hate to imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn’t decided that no matter what I was going to take action.

I know how hard it is to struggle with your body, body image and confidence.

And that is why it is my mission to help every single woman end the distructive cycle of dumb diets that just don’t work.

This is NOT a stupid diet.

This also doesn’t have to be scary.

(I’m all about hacking my life and finding as much ease and FUN as I can)

Trust me, when I say…YOU can do this.

And I’ve got your back!

I’ll see you inside babe!


(Let’s get to it babe!)

How do I know this is for me?

Ok, the fact that you are still here reading this tells me that you are serious.  And woman to woman, I bet if you’re like me you’ve tried a ton of things before that have simply not worked (yup, me too! Been there done that!)

This is *exactly* why I designed Your Hottest Body Ever. It is a strategic plan that works with all of the roadbumps that we encounter when it comes to weight loss.  And I’ll be with you every step of the way.

What if this doesn’t work for me?

I know you’re probably a little scared, and I understand.  But the bigger question is… what if it does work for you? What if you never have to try another dumb diet and are finally free?  What will THEN be possible for you when you no longer have to waste another MOMENT of your life feeling stressed, ashamed, or less than a-freakin-mazing in your bod. 

What if this is the best thing that you’ve ever done for yourself? 

It is possible…but only if you’re willing to say YES to yourself.  And don’t worry babe, I’ve got your back every step of the way.

How is this different than other diet plans?  

First of all, this isn’t a diet.  Diet’s don’t work. The reason why Your Hottest Body Ever works so well is because I made it to be simple, easy and excuse proof.  You can still eat in restaurants, have dinner with your family, go on business trips, have a vacation… aka live your life and STILL lose weight and create your hottest body ever.  And in Hot Body for Life, we walk you through exactly how to keep the weight off… for good! This is a plan that you can use for the rest of your life.

Why should I pay for this?

I understand that you probably have read a ton of books, articles and researched loads of websites and “influencers” sharing their so-called methods.

And here’s the truth…. we value what we pay for.  When we invest, we are invested in achieving our results.

I don’t need to tell you that you don’t need any more information, what you really want is the transformation.  Just like the hundreds of other women that have done this program.

We also created the easy payment plan to make this opportunity available for all that are serious about getting results without all the frustrating dumb diets and quick fixes that simply don’t work.

What if I’m a Vegetarian or Vegan or have special dietary needs, can I still do this?

YUP.  That’s why I am right here with you every step of the way.  The flexibility of YHBE makes it easy to work for all special nutrition needs.

Will you be available for questions and support?

Heck yeah doll!  I hate programs that you start then feel like you’re on an island figuring it out on your own.  So, you’ll have our members only support group that I am in daily. You’ll also have our live scheduled q and a calls to ask me questions directly and our signature focus forms as well.  I’m with you babe!

I’m super busy, I don’t need one other thing to stress me out…can I still do this?

Remember when I created YHBE it was for my Wall St. babes working 12-16hrs a day, many of whom are moms.  YHBE will take the pressure OFF you and will give you the results you’ve wanted without having to do crazy time consuming things.  I got you boo.

Do I have to buy supplements or crazy expensive extra things?

NOPE.  Everything you need you can purchase at your local grocery store or even on amazon.  I’ve had women from all over the world do this program: Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Canada and obvi the US.  Most women end up spending LESS on their grocery bills and you know what that means…more money for new clothes!




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