
Happy Thursday to you! Can you believe that this is the last day of January??

Today I share with you a CHALLENGING 8 minute fat burning cardio workout. I was definitely feeling it, and lots of HEAVY breathing…and I’m not going to lie, my legs were SCREAMING the next day!!!

But that’s what it takes to make sure your body is challenged and you are loving your HOT body, even in the dead of winter! One of my goals is to always be ready for a beach vacation…and this circuit will definitely do the trick!

(yeah mon! Guava Jam is my jaaaam!)

Speaking of goals, how are your resolutions going?

As we are just about to roll into February, I hope that you are clear and focused on what your goals are for 2013. Are you?

If you need some support and are READY once and for all to have a body and life you love, I invite you to email me at tracy@tracycampoli.com. I have very limited space available for private coaching clients.

If you are ready for some personal one-on-one time with me, just let me know! I am here and ready to support you to once and for all, be that woman that truly has it all!

Have a fantastic week!


Tracy Campoli

Lifestyle & Wellness Coach